Partners & Funders
Our Partners
Our partners and funders contribute to the life of the club and help keep things ticking over. Many of our projects, for example modern LED lighting for the squash courts, have been completed with the inclusion of partner funding. And in some cases the principals of partner businesses are long time club members who just want to help the club out more. So we encourage all of our members and their friends and associates to touch base with our partners for a no-obligation chat.

Established in 1986, Aspec Construction has grown in both reputation and presence, with a proven ability to deliver projects using our hassle-free principals that have been instrumental in shaping the direction of our company.
Aspec Construction provide total solutions for the building construction industry in New Zealand.
View our range of completed construction projects from retirement, recreational and educational facilities to historic building refurbishments and medical centres. Our broad scope of construction management expertise enables us to work closely with our clients to achieve outstanding results every time.
. To find out more CLICK HERE.

Our Funders

Established in 1998, NZCT is one of New Zealand’s largest gaming trusts with 13% of market share. We are proud of the contribution we make to local communities, particularly in the area of amateur sport and active participation. We couldn’t do what we do without the help of our hard-working gaming room operators. NZCT has offices in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, as well as staff located in Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay and Bay of Plenty. To find out more CLICK HERE.

Foundation North holds in trust for the Auckland and Northland communities an endowment, or putea, of over a billion dollars. This comes from the sale of the community’s shares in what was previously the Auckland Savings Bank. That endowment allows us to make millions of dollars in grants each year to not-for-profit groups in Auckland and Northland. To find out more CLICK HERE.

The Lion Foundation is one of New Zealand’s oldest and most respected Charitable Trusts. Since 1988 we have returned over $850 million back to the community, supporting thousands of good causes all around New Zealand. To find out more CLICK HERE.

Pub Charity Limited distributes donations to worthy community organisations all over New Zealand through the funds raised in gaming machines hosted in our member hotels and taverns.
We first began raising donations funds for New Zealand communities in 1987. That’s 30 years of excellent partnerships with our venues, 30 years of great entertainment for our players and 30 years supporting communities all over New Zealand. To find out more CLICK HERE.

Auckland Council runs a rates rebate scheme which supports clubs and similar organisations.

BlueSky Community Trust Limited is a non-profit company that operates gaming machines to raise funds for the community. BlueSky makes grants for education, community cultural and arts and festivals, public amenities, sports facilities, amateur sport and other charitable and non-commercial purposes that are beneficial to the community. To find out more CLICK HERE.